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Greywater Recycling System

Greywater recycling systems supply non-potable water for flushing of water closets/urinals, for cooling tower make-up water and for certain allowable uses in general washing and irrigation. This technical guide is provided to guide building owners & Qualified Persons on the design, installation, testing, operation and maintenance of greywater recycling systems. It provides the minimum standards for the design, installation and maintenance of such systems.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 Greywater Recycling System (Technical Guide)
2 Greywater Recycling System

Rainwater Harvesting

The construction of rainwater collection systems for any purpose is regulated by Section 31 of the Sewerage and Drainage Act. Developers can build rainwater collection systems to collect rainwater for non-potable use within their own premises will have to comply with the Conditions and Requirements stipulated in the Guidance Notes.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 Guidance Notes for the Application of Rainwater Collection Systems

Managing Urban Runoff

This handbook explains the concepts behind the Source-Pathway-Receptor approach in drainage management. It also highlights innovative “Source” and “Receptor” measures that developments can implement to reduce peak flows, while creating aesthetic value and benefits from these measures.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 Managing Urban Runoff (Drainage Handbook)

On-site Stormwater Detention Tank Systems

In the latest revision to the Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage, PUB added a new clause, which required developers/owners to manage their peak runoff by implementing on-site detention measures to hold back or slow down runoff, before discharging it to the public drainage system. These on-site detention measures will complement PUB’s ongoing drainage improvement works to provide a higher level of protection against flood risks in our catchments. To provide guidance to QPs on the design of detention tanks to manage peak runoff, PUB has developed a set of technical guidelines.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 On-site Stormwater Detention Tank Systems (Technical Guide)
2 Chart for Estimated Volume of Online Detention Tank

ABC Waters Design Guidelines

The ABC Waters Design Guidelines provide reference to developers and industry professionals on how to implement environmentally sustainable green features or ABC Waters design features in their developments.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 ABC Waters Design Guidelines
2 Condensed Booklet of Engineering Procedures
3 Declaration Form for ABC Water Design Features

Application for Water Supply

This handbook is designed to assist developers, architects and professional engineers, licensed plumbers, government departments and statutory boards in their application for water supply. It provides general information on water supply matters. For general enquiries on water supply matters, please e-mail to or call PUB 24-hour Call Centre at 1800-2255-7821800-2255-782.


No  Guides/Handbooks
 1 Application for Water Supply (Handbook)

Earth Control Measures at Construction Site

The implementation of effective Earth Control Measures (ECM) requires the efforts of the developers, professionals and contractors at various stages of the project development from tendering stage to construction stage. Some of the essential references for these industry stakeholders are detailed below. 


No Guides/Handbooks
Planning and Design Stage
1 ECM Best Practices
2 ECM Self-declaration Criteria
3 ECM Submission Guidelines
4 ECM Drawing Guidelines
5 ECM Plan Submission Checklist
6 Sample Tender Specification
7 Soil Erodibility Chart
Construction Stage
8 CCTV Requirements
9 ECM Site Audit Form
10 Sample Inspection Checklists
11 Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage
12 ECM Guidebook (2018 Edition)
13 Sewerage & Drainage Act
14 Sewerage and Drainage (Surface Water Drainage) Regulations

Business and Professional Portal Guidelines

The Business and Professional (B&P) Portal serves as a one-stop resource centre for industry professionals to transact with PUB and enjoy an integrated, seamless, end-to-end digital experience. The guidelines will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the portal's features and functionalities. It will also provide troubleshooting tips ans answers to frequently asked questions to help users resolve any issues they may encounter while using the portal.


No Guides/Handbooks
1 Business and Professional Portal Guidelines
2 Standard Sub-Meter Submission Templates